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Churnet View Middle School

Churnet View Middle School is part of

The Talentum Learning Trust


Careers Programme

How Careers is Assessed:

Careers will be assessed by Future Skills Survey results progress from the end of year 7 to the end of year 8 (to evaluate the effectiveness of our provision).

In order to assess pupils readiness for careers, they will be assessed based on the Staffordshire Careers Hub’s Employer Competency Framework. Teachers will make judgements based upon this and decide if the pupil is at the expected level for their age range. 


Below is the Employer Competency Framework.  Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Careers Hub have developed the Employer Skills Competency Framework as a response to identified gaps in provision and to better support the young people of Stoke and Staffordshire to ‘Effectively Transition’ from education into the world of work.

Although there are a number of Skills Frameworks available online via a number of different organisations, this framework has been developed in consultation with over 30 Careers Hub Enterprise Advisers, leaders from businesses across Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire, and over 60 Careers Leaders from schools and colleges in the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Careers Hub.

Skills are an integral part of careers development for young people, supporting them at the beginning of their careers journey but also enabling them to maintain and progress within their chosen path. Our aim is to ensure our young people are better prepared for life beyond the school gates.

Careers provision evaluation -July 2025

If you wish to find out more about our careers provision or discuss further, please contact our Careers Cordinator Mrs L Wain at lwain@ttlt.org.uk, Our Careers SLT link Mr. S Fryer at sfryer@ttlt.org.uk or contact school at 01538384939. 


Information for pupils

Skillsometer careerometer

 Information for Parents



                     Page update 06/11/24