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Churnet View Middle School

Churnet View Middle School is part of

The Talentum Learning Trust

School Day


Start and End of the Day Procedure

Please note there is a 5mph speed limit and a one way system in operation on the car park. All vehicles are parked at the owners risk. The school is not responsible for any damage to vehicles or contents.

Unless travelling on a school bus, all pupils enter and leave the school site via the side pedestrian entrance and not the main gate.

Parents and carers are asked not to enter the school grounds and to leave or meet their children at the gate. Pupils will also exit via this gate at 3.25pm at the end of the day.

Pupils arriving on a school bus are dropped off in the bus park and walk directly onto the playground area ready to line up.

We ask that parents do not come into reception at the beginning and end of the day unless by prior arrangement. These are very busy times for our reception staff and we will not be able to deal with your enquiry at this time. Please feel free to call us and we will arrange a mutually convenient appointment.

Pupils can arrive at school from 8.15am if they are accessing Breakfast Club in the Hall. Pupils are expected to be lined up on the yard by 8.45am and will be met by their form teacher promptly at 8.50am.

Pupils are not allowed to walk across the front of school either at the start of the school day or at the end unless they are walking their bike or scooter to the bike store.

At 8.50am prompt students will be lined up outside on the playground in registration groups. Form teachers will greet their form classes on the yard before leading them into their form rooms in an orderly and well behaved manner ready for their morning register to be taken.

The side pedestrian gate is locked at 9.00am. Pupils arriving after 9.00am will need to enter school via the main gate and report to reception with the reason for their late arrival.

Pupils are dismissed at 3.25pm from their nearest exit and walk around the outside of the school exiting via the side pedestrian gate. Pupils are requested to leave the site in an orderly fashion and are supervised off the premises by staff on duty.

Pupils travelling on buses assemble in bus queues in the Diner and are organised by staff on duty.

Pupils should not exit via the front reception unless directed by a member of staff. 

Late Arrival to School

All pupils must be in their form rooms by 8.50am. Pupils arriving to their form room before 9.00am will receive their mark. Pupils will receive a late mark if they arrive at their form room after 9.00am.


Persistent late arrivals will result in a meeting with parents and a member of staff to discuss the reasons and how the issue can be resolved.